It's Killer Karamel Apple Time! September 19, 2024 16:10
All we can say these are darn delicious! Whether you choose a plain apple or one drizzled in chocolate or covered in peanuts or toffee, you will not be disappointed. Come pick one up or we can ship, when weather allows - but take action NOW. We only make a limited amount and they sell out FAST!Time Is Just About Out For Timely Christmas Orders December 13, 2023 20:45
Just an FYI you late holiday shoppers. Orders are stacking up and while we will take your orders and get to them as quickly as possible, we can NOT guarantee Christmas delivery ( particularly if you are having your order shipped).They Are Going Back To School! September 9, 2023 11:48
Did you know we create wonderfully unique student care packages? We have lots of prepackaged ideas or we can put anything you would like together. Yes, we are indeed the Nordstrom of Nosh! So don't forget to send them some love!
They're Going Back To School. Send Them Snarf Foods™ July 25, 2022 21:39
Did you know we create wonderfully unique student care packages? We have lots of prepackaged ideas or we can put anything you would like together. Yes, we are indeed the Nordstrom of Nosh! So don't forget to send them some love. Send them some Snarf Foods™!
Snacks For The Troops/First Responders/Front Line Workers UPDATE March 25, 2022 20:59
The results are in. We did not reach our goal of 250 bags, but we did have 179 donated! And that means a lot of people are going to get tasty treats and 2 wonderful organizations (Operation Fetch and the Gary Sinise Foundation) are going to receive significant donations.
Thank you for your support and #SnarfOn!
It's Time For Our Snacks For The Troops, First Responders and Front Line Workers Program! January 7, 2022 16:18
While we will accept your donation year round, our BIG push comes in January and February. Last year 225 bags were donated by our Frequent Snarfers. This year our goal is 250 bags. The purchase of each bag includes the snack, tax, delivery/shipping to a service member first responder or front line worker, and a donation to Operation Fetch and other 501C(3) organizations that help our veterans. You can make your donation HERE.2021 Christmas Delivery! December 15, 2021 19:49
Just letting you know we can no longer guarantee Christmas delivery 2021, but contact us and we can see what we can do. Snarf On!INTRODUCING OUR NEW GIFT SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE! November 20, 2021 12:48
Choose from our 3, 6 or 9 month plans. Every month your recipient gets a new and yummy Snarf Foods™ treat. Give them something to look forward to each month. It's the gift that keeps on giving!
For more details click here!
Christmas Delivery 2020 December 14, 2020 21:09
Just a heads up, we are doing our best, but any orders placed at this late date may or may not arrive in time for Christmas. A combination of no additional help due to the pandemic and an overwhelmed shipping system is causing some delays. So hang in there with us as we #SnarfOn!We Now Have Gift Cards! April 23, 2020 10:23
Can't make up your mind on what to give your family, friends or coworkers? Well, now you can share the Snarf Foods™ experience by purchasing a gift card from $10 to $100! Check them out!We've Got Your White Elephant Gift Tis Holiday Season! November 27, 2018 18:08
Holiday party? Need a white elephant gift? Want to stick it to a fellow employee or that annoying family member? Well, here you go. Our party hat for party snacks can be yours for a mere $10.00. Hey, it's worth it just to see their face. When they are gone, they are gone (and we will all be happy about that!). #SnarfOn! #crazyhat #whiteelephantOur Core Values September 13, 2017 14:40
So, I've been looking at a lot of apples lately getting the bugs out of our new Killer Karamel™ Apples (they are soooo good, but more on them later) and I got to thinking...
What are Snarf Foods™ core values?
Here's what I know for sure (thanks Oprah):
- We believe in treating everyone (customers, vendors, supporters, detractors and, if we had any, employees) with respect. That also means saying please and thank you (got to thank mom for that one, not Oprah, though I am sure she would agree).
- We believe in family. If not for family, Snarf Foods™ would not exist. From my brother who does all the wacky artwork; my husband who can deal with just about anything technical; my long departed mother who kept my books in balance and a smile on my face; they are the best group of unpaid "employees" you could ask for!
- We believe that communication is key. So many problems can be avoided by just letting the other guy know what is going on.
- We believe in doing what you say and if for some reason you can't...COMMUNICATE!
- We believe is creating tasty, fresh products at reasonable prices. Good stuff sometimes costs a bit more (have you seen the prices of butter and REAL vanilla lately...ouch!).
- We believe in giving back. Snarf Foods™ is passionate about feeding the hungry. That is why we donate a portion of our profits to Holiday Meals On Wheels. We also care about our environment, which is why we volunteer to keep a roadway clean in Gurnee, Illinois. We also try to use biodegradable or recyclable packaging.
- We believe in having fun. If you haven't already noticed we don't take ourselves too seriously. We hope that if we are having fun, you are too.
Not a bad start. What do you think? What are your core values?
So How's That Jumping Off A Cliff Thing Going? August 27, 2017 15:46
Yes, it's almost been 2 months since I took the flying leap from my very secure day job into the wild and wacky world of Snarf Foods™.
Here's what I can report:
- I am still alive.
- I have been incredibly busy. So busy that I wonder how I managed to do any of this while working full-time. Oh, that's right I couldn't, hence the reason for drastic measures.
- COBRA health insurance is incredibly expensive. I was expecting this, but writing the check is a whole new reality. Plus, I seem to have fallen between the cracks. I found this out when I went to pick up my usual $4 prescription and they wanted to charge me $114 (something is very wrong with this pricing discrepancy, but I'll leave that rant for another day).
- Most people have been very supportive of my dream. Some look at me as if I have two heads.
- I am still scared...daily, no make that hourly.
- I am still trying to figure this all out and probably will for the foreseeable future. In other words, I am trying to build those wings on the way down.
- Until I do I will continue to Snarf On!
- I hope you will continue to Snarf On with me.
- Oh, if you have a moment please like or follow this blog. That would be an excellent way to Snarf On!
- There should be a 10 items, but I am out of ideas so here is a link to our web page:
Snarf On!
Snarf Foods™ To Be At 2017 Solar Eclipse (well sort of). August 20, 2017 09:05
Yesterday while at the Kenosha Harbor Market, I met a very nice couple who had never heard of Snarf Foods™ (wow, how unusual!). Anyway, after I explained the story of Bob and the long and winding road I have been on, they agreed to try a sample. Lo and behold they were hooked and told me they needed a snack for their train ride down to Carbondale, Illinois to view the solar eclipse. They will depart Union Station at 3:00 AM and needed something to fortify them on their adventure.
So I am proud to say at least 1 bag of Snarf Foods™ will be at ground zero for the solar eclipse.
Remember, do not look directly at the eclipse without protective eye ware. You can however look into a bag of Bob’s with no problem!
Things Are Changing At Snarf Foods™ July 26, 2017 10:17
Hello My Frequent Snarfers,I’ve gone and done it. What’s it? Well I have lost all reason and sensibility and left my day job of 28 years to follow my heart…Snarf Foods™. Yes folks, I am all in!
Am I scared? You betcha. Am I feeling like my entire world just got turned upside down? Yep. Am I sure this was the right decision? I certainly hope so.
You see many years ago I made a promise to Bob Pritchard (the Bob of Bob’s Jumble-Aya™, etc.) that I would carry on our little dream. I have been working really hard at it, but I could only put forth so much effort on weekends and at night. I even took my vacations from my "day job" in December so I could keep up with the holiday rush. Well I am not getting any younger and it’s time to see if this baby can fly without the help of a safety net.
That’s where you all come in. I need you to think Snarf Foods™ at every holiday, when you’re having a special event or when you might need to give a gift of something deliciously different. Help me spread the word of Snarf Foods™. Like our page on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Share our posts. Bookmark our website. Tell your friends and family about Snarf Foods™. Got an idea for a new product or how I could improve something? PLEASE let me know. Finally, if you know a location where Snarf Foods™ would fit in (specialty gift shop, caterer, bar, restaurant, or other entertainment venues) I would love an introduction (cold calls are the worst).
I guess it all boils down to don’t forget about Snarf Foods™. I’ll keep you informed of my progress. The ups and hopefully not too many downs. Don’t be alarmed at silence, it just means I am working really hard!
Thanks again for your past and I hope future support.
Snarf On!
Chief Snack Officer and Official Crazy Person!
Second Annual Super Snarf Saturday - February 4, 2017 January 10, 2017 20:56
Come join other Frequent Snarfers February 4, 2017 for our Second Annual Super Snarf Saturday - 10AM to 4PM, Gurnee, IL.
- Meet other Frequent Snarfers.
- See the Snarf Foods™ kitchen in person.
- Enjoy free samples and refreshments. YUM!!!!
- Pick up some snacks for the “BIG GAME”
Please email us at info@snarffoods for location and other details.
Snarf On!
Snarf Foods™ To Join Holiday Meals On Wheels 25th Annual Celebrity Chefs Brunch - November 6, 2016 October 6, 2016 20:46
Come help Snarf Foods™ help Holiday Meals on Wheels!
Do YOU expect to eat 7 days a week? Many elders cannot. Holiday Meals on Wheels fills the gap of the publicly-funded weekday program to provide our vulnerable and nutritionally at-risk elders with the most basic of human needs, one nutritious meal a day, every day!
Food insecurity - problems with the availability, accessibility and utilization of food - among low-income elders (age 60 and up) is a special concern since they may have unique nutritional needs and may require special diets for medical conditions.
Due to increasing demand and insufficient funding, the publicly funded meals program is limited to only one hot meal per day, Monday thru Friday. No meals are provided on weekends, let alone holidays under the publicly funded program. Many elders must choose between food, medicine, utilities, and other necessities of living!
So get out the Hawaiian shirts and grass skirts and get ready to head to the islands for some tropical fun as we party with a purpose to help our at-risk seniors through the Holiday Meals on Wheels program and aging services! Join emcee Andy Avalos and the best Chefs in the area for a delicious event that makes a difference. To receive an invitation, make a reservation or for more information, please call Kaitie at (630) 293-5990.
We Are Famous (well almost)! August 31, 2016 20:56
Check out the recent article about Snarf Foods™ in theYoujournal!
Please let us know what you think and of course Snarf On!
Introducing Our New Sign!!!! June 21, 2016 22:25
We are very excited to present our new sign that will accompany us to trade shoes and other indoor events. It was created by SpeedPro Imaging of Gurnee. So if you are out and about look for the new sign and let us know what you think. It's not as good as our snacks, but it's close! Thanks Tom for your great product and service!
Snarf Foods™ Next Outing! April 30, 2016 17:41
Advocate Condell Women’s FREE Health Expo - May 19, 2016 6PM to 8:30 (Vendor Exhibits 6 – 7:15 that's us!). Brae Loch Country Club – 33600 N. US Hwy 45,Grayslake, IL
SUPER SNARF SATURDAY! - February 6, 2016 - 10am to 4pm January 19, 2016 20:17
Looking for something fun to do this February? Are you anywhere near Gurnee, IL? They we hardly suggest you join us for Super Snarf Saturday! (A Snarf Foods™ open house).
Come meet other Frequent Snarfers, enjoy free samples and refreshments, tour the Snarf Foods™ kitchen, pick up some snacks for the "BIG GAME".
If you are interested in attending, please email us at info@snarffoods for additional information.
Snarf On!
Farmer's Market Season Winding Down August 27, 2015 11:56
It's been a crazy summer at the Kenosha and Westosha Farmer's Markets. We have met lots of wonderful people and gained countless new Frequent Snafers. We are sorry to say we haven't been able to make it to the Gurnee market this year due to scheduling conflicts, but it is possible we may be able to squish in one before it ends.
In any event, we will only be at 3 more Kenosha Harbor Markets this year (September 5, 12 &19, 2015). We hope to move to the indoor market if space is available.
Hope you can stop by and say "Hi", but if not, remember we delivery FREE locally. Just message us and we will tell if we are going your way, because FREE is good!
Snarf On!